Desenho figurativo : uma representação possivel do espaço. Aspectos cognitivos do desenho figurativo de crianças de 4 a 10 anos




The theme of this study was the figurative drawing of children from four to ten years old and the possible link it has with the geometric elements. The theory in which the study was based was the Genetic Epistemology proposed by Jean Piaget. The theoretical aspects chosen to substantiate the study were the development of mental image and the building up of the representative space, both components of children’s figurative drawing. This type of drawing was considered a strict sense learning, to which contributes an organization that implies topologic, Euclidean and projective relations, as seen by the theory. This study searched to know how the child registers graphically distinctive points of view of a landscape built with geometric solids, at different stages of his cognitive development.


desenho geometrico aprendizagem desenho infantil desenho cognitivo

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