Desempenho de cultivares de girassol em função do manejo da adubação nitrogenada e potássica em condições edafoclimáticas na savana de Boa Vista, em Roraima




Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), due it presents important agronomical characteristics such as high oil content, low water requirement and due the possibility of being cultivated in different times of the year, can become an important crop option for the production. The culture is still regarded as secondary in by brazilian productives system and it lacks more research, mainly on fertility management. To this end, two experiments were conducted in the Center of Agricultural Sciences of Universidade Federal de Roraima, located in Boa Vista RR in 2007 and 2008. The approach used in the work was the delineation of randomized blocks in factorial scheme with four replicates. The first experiment aimed at evaluating the production components of three cultivars of sunflower (Agrobel 960, Agrobel 962 and Embrapa 122/V2000), submitted to four forms of nitrogen application. The aim of the second experiment was to study production components of three cultivars of sunflower submitted to different rates of potassium side dressing. The treatments consisted of a combination of three varieties (Agrobel 960, Agrobel 967 and Embrapa 122/V2000) and five doses of potassium sidedressing (0; 30; 60; 90 and 120 kg ha-1)


cerrado helianthus annuus girassol roraima aducação cultivars helianthus annuus fertilization agronomia cultivares roraima sunflower savannah

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