Descrição anatômica dos músculos da mão do macaco prego (Cebus libidinosus, Rylands et al., 2000) e sua relação com a habilidade manual destes primatas




Cebus libidinosus is a species of primate with high cognitive capacity and great motor ability. These animals demonstrate high manual capacity of tools use during foraging and locomotion. The use of tools is considered basic in the evolutionary process of the humanity. The Cebus libidinosus is capable to hold objects as rocks and to use them as tool to open coconuts, poles to unlock the food of a tubing or to extract the molasses through the orifices of a box. The manual abilities of the great primates have been used for long time as a model of the evolution and in the study of the construction of tools for the hominídeos. In this direction, the abilities in tools use and the cognitive aspects of Cebus justify its insertion in comparative mannering studies with the species human being. Therefore, the objective of this work was to compare the hand muscles of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodythes), the baboon (Papio papio), and the human (Homo sapiens) from the literature with the data obtained in our dissecation study of the Cebus libidinosus and discuss them in relation to the manual ability of the Cebus. In our study the Cebus muscles tênares and hipotênares as well as the contracting muscles presented similarities with chimpanzees. The contracting muscles are equally gifts in the baboons and chimpanzees, but not in the human. The absence of the contracting muscles in human does not hinder sophisticated manual abilities since it had a evolutionary preference to fine motor abilities that go beyond grasping. Consequently, the similarities between the hand muscles of chimpanzees and Cebus indicate that these primates present common manual anatomical characteristics that support the use of tools. This is corroborated by observed anatomical data in the muscles of the hand, mainly in the thumbs during the laterality opponent of these animals.


uso de ferramentas cebus libidinosus cebus libidinosus primatas ciencias biologicas primates músculos da mão hand muscles tool use

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