Desaparecidos civis: conflitos familiares, institucionais e segurança pública




This thesis analyses the phenomenon of missing civilians, individuals who disappear daily and leave no information on their whereabouts. The sustained hypothesis was that the phenomenon is the result of a web of relations, from the micro-scale of the family and their challenge to cope with intergenerational conflicts to the macro-scale of State and its incapacity to promote an effective security policy. A thorough discussion on the concept of missing civilians was necessary as several theoretical and methodological difficulties were verified in approaching the subject. The data produced proved to be of great value in enlightening the matter. Fifty seven semi-structured interviews were conducted about the perception of relatives, law enforcement authorities and policy makers on the subject of missing civilians. Data analysis indicates that the phenomenon is based on the pillars of gender and generational relations, over which hierarchical family relations of the patriarchal society are found. Lastly, the research concludes by suggesting the need to transform the missing civilian issue in a public security problem, with the creation of prevention, search and return programs.


desaparecidos civis segurança pública família public security geração gênero missing civilians gender sociologia family generation

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