Democratic management as an educational process to citizenship / Gestão democrática como um processo de educação para a cidadania




Participatory democracy is being emphasized in the sphere of public administration. The most prominent experience, even international, is the Participative Budget, in which people deliberate about the priorities to be inserted in the public budget. Many studies have emphasized that these practices allow their participants to do an active citizenship exercise, developing more and more the spaces of popular participation that are peculiar in democratic societies - Freire, Benevides, Gohn, Pontual. We also admit that these experiences with Participative Budget are contributing to the development and integration in other participative practices. The present research aimed to study the instrument of democratic management called "Participative Budget", that was implemented by the Municipal Administration of Araraquara City Hall in São Paulo State, working with the hypothesis that this mechanism of popular participation contributes to the education to the citizenship of the participants in this process, encouraging them to be involved in other spaces of participation and social control. We could notice that this participation contributes, in fact, to the formation of citizens, with a kind of "school of citizenship", as the research showed different learning by their participants, as well their involvement in many Public Policy Councils, helping to integrate them. To this development, the research used qualitative methodology, making use of many different instruments as semistructured interview, analysis of documents and participative observation in the "Participative Budget" meetings. This study enabled us to say that these experiences are important to build an "educator city", in which public policy can happen to awake for values as equality and solidarity and to stimulate the practice of citizenship, in order to interest more and more the participation and the act of being citizen.


educational policy participação popular participative budget cidadania orçamento participativo popular participation educação política educacional gestão democrática citizenship education democratic management

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