Democracia e questão militar : a criação do Ministerio da Defesa no Brasil




The aim of this study is to analyze in what measure the military reform released by the Fernando Henrique Cardoso s government (1995-2002), "imposed" by endogenous and exogenous changes, may be understood as part of a bigger effort on redraw up the State structure and seek a military subordination still missed in the transition process post authoritarian era in Brazil. The innovation introduced by the creation of the Defense Ministry is not despicable, indeed it represents deep changes in ali spheres: political, diplomatic, management, strategic and operational, ali of them needed to be evaluated. In this study we intend also to analyze the creation of the Defense Ministry by trying to comprehend how democracy appears as an intervening actor in the National Defense s structure post-1985. We do this being sure not to forget that, in spite of not being itself sufficient, the complete civilian s military control is essential to the consolidation and deepen of the Brazilian emocratic regime.


brazil democracia brazil civil democracy relações entre civis e militares

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