Decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego e dos salários no Brasil entre 1990-2007


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to quantify and analyze the main sources of major change in employment and wages between 1990 and 2007 in Brazil through the input-output theory. So to achieve this goal, it is used in this study the methodology of decomposition of structural change in employment and wages for an open economy. In the period 1990 to 2007, the country has undergone important changes, such as the intensification of trade liberalization and monetary stabilization, impacting the labor market through changes in technology and aggregate demand. The main results indicate that most of the final variation of employment and wages are explained by variations in the volume of final demand which represented a total change of 34,340.3 thousands of jobs and a change in the overall wages of R$ 293,153.4 million. This result demonstrates the importance of the concept of effective demand for the determination of employment and wages. The period 2000-2007 was when the effect of varying the volume of final demand more impacted employment and wages, representing a variation in the use of 19,258.8 thousands of jobs and a variation in wages of R$ 166,885.9. The variation of the volume of household consumption was the strongest explanatory factor in the effect of variation in the volume of final demand represents a change in the employment of 17,538.1 thousands of jobs and a change in salary from R$ 116,619.9 between 1990 and 2007. Considering the literature on the period in Brazil, this is related to the near stagnation of the Brazilian economy in the 1990s due to trade liberalization and the Real Plan. Another factor that proved important in explaining the variation in employment and wages was the effect of intensity, a variation of -11,180.0 thousands of jobs and a change in the overall wages of R$ -111,009.3. The period of 1990-1995 was the period most impacted employment, representing an increase of -6,105.5 thousands of jobs. To this end wages intensity strongly impacted the period 1990-2000, representing an increase of R$ -106,997.6. The effect of intensity shown by the increase of labor productivity that occurred in the 1990s the Brazilian economy. Moreover, the intensity effect was negative in almost all years of the analysis, demonstrating fhe existence of the trend of falling demand for sectoral employment per unit of production. Considering the literature on the period in Brazil, it appears that the large increase in productivity of labor is related to changes caused by restructuring of production that occurred in the country.


relações intersetoriais salários - brasil emprego - decomposição estrutural mercado de trabalho - efeitos de inovações tecnológicas - brasil brazil wages labor supply effect of technological innovations on brazil intersectoral relations employment

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