Decoherence and relaxation time in an ensemble of quantum dots / Tempos de relaxação e decoerencia em ensembles de pontos quanticos




Experimental measurements were carried out to determine the scales of the relaxation and decoherence time for the electronic spin as quantum bit. The structure of the exciton states was investigated with the objective to serve as intermediate states in the spin manipulation. The system studied for the implementation of the quantum computation is an ensemble of self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots. Two subjects serve as central axes of the three experiments developed in this thesis: the spin polarization and the Landé g-factor. In the first experiment, when including the effect of the thermal reservoir, the degree of spin polarization (populations for the up and down levels) was measured for layers s and p. The splitting of the orbital levels in spin sublevels allowed to get the magnitude of factor g for these states. Changing the orientation of the magnetic field, the g-tensor anisotropies and its relation with the details of the confinement potential had been observed. These characteristics had allowed to infer the relaxation time T1. The time resolved polarization measurement was carried out by optical pump-probe spectroscopy. The pulses of light and the transverse magnetic field allow the initialization of a net polarization. The Kerr rotation allowed to observe oscillations of this polarization around the magnetic field with frequency determined for factor g. The loss of the spin phase coherence results in the decay of these oscillations in a time scale T2. Measurements carried out in an ensemble of spins imply that the decoherence time is limited by the ensemble dephasing time T¤2


decoerencia electronic spin estrutura fina do exciton quantum dots time-resolved faraday rotation decoherence rotação de faraday resolvida no tempo pontos quanticos g factor magneto-capacitance fator g spin eletronico magneto-capacitancia exciton fine structure

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