Decoerencia de spin eletronico em pontos quanticos




In the perspective of quantum computation, two levels systems are the best candidates to implement the so called quantum bits. In special, the possibility of growing quantum dots capable of storing one electron makes it plausible to use electronic spin for such devices. Nevertheless, one of the big concerns is the time the electron takes to lose coherence. In accordance with dissipative systems theory, decoherence can be caused by the coupling with a reservoir. In the case of electronic spin in a quantum dot the reservoir is conformed by the phonons of the crystalline lattice which interact with the electronic spin through spin-orbit coupling. In the special case of quantum dots whose characteristic frequency is less than the frequency of optical modes the reservoir is made of acoustic phonons. For quantum dots whose confinement frequency is close to the frequency of the optical phonons, the coupling is via electron-optical phonons. We study the decoherence in these systems using a phenomenological model, based on the Caldeira-Leggett model. As a result, we found decoherence times of ms for acoustic phonons bath and of µs in the presence of optical phonons


computação quantica pontos quanticos decoerencia de spin eletronico

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