Declaração de nulidade matrimonial no direito canônico e no direito civil




It analyzed in the present study the declaration of matrimonial nullity in the Canonical Right and in the Civil Right, the brightest notes from the Code of Canonical Right of 1983, and of the Brazilian Civil Code that entered in validity on January 10,2003 presenting previously the essential properties of the marriage, concept, the reasons for the matrimonial nullity in those two legislations; at the end it was about the effects and of the procedure for obtaining the nullity declarations in the Canonical Right. It considered that in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Dominican Republic, for concordat force among the State and the Church, the religious celebration of the marriage and the nullity declaration dictated by the Ecclesiastical Tribunal have civil effects once assisted the determination in the law. It presented proposal so that in Brazil, as well as the married couple can attribute civil effects to the religious celebration of the marriage proceeding to the previous or posterior recording of the celebration before the civil official registration, and having certification of inexistence of impediments to request the registration in the occupation of the Civil registration of the Natural People so that the religious marriage has civil effects, there also be, legal disposition that checks civil effects to the declaration of nullity of those marriages when dictated by the Ecclesiastical Tribunal


impedimentos nulidade efeitos casamento -- anulacao marriage casamento -- anulacao (direito canonico) effect matrimônio declaration impediments tribunal direito civil court declaração nullity

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