Decaimentos de mésons D e DSJ no modelo C3P0


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Fock-Tani representation is a field theory formalism appropriated for the simultaneous treatment of composite particles and their constituents. The 3P0 model is a typical decay model which considers only OZI-allowed strong decays. The model considers a quark-antiquark pair created with the vacuum quantum numbers in the presence of the initial state meson. It is described as the non-relativistic limit of the pair creation Hamiltonian. Applying the Fock-Tani transformation to the microscopic Hamiltonian of the pair creation produces the characteristic expansion in powers of the wave function, where the 3P0 model is the lowest order in the expansion. The corrected 3P0 model (C3P0) is obtained from higher orders in the expansion, by the introduction of the bound state kernel ¢, called the bound state correction. The goal of this work is to study in detail the charmed meson sector (D meson) and the strange charmed meson sector (DSJ meson) using the C3P0 model, where the C3P0 model is expanded by the inclusion of the second order of the bound state correction for the diagramatic method. In particular, we shall calculate the decay amplitudes and decay rates of the following channels: Charmed sector and Strange charmed sector.


fisica de particulas elementares formalismo de fock-tani sistemas hamiltonianos mesons decaimento hadronico dos mesons partículas com charme

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