Debret, a pintura de historia e as ilustrações de corte da "Viagem pitoresca e historica ao Brasil"




Tbis dissertation is concemed to the study of bistorical painting and of images representing the cotidian tife of the portuguese court during the kingdom of D. João VI and D. Pedro I, present in the album "Voyage Pittoresque and Historique au Brésil" , from the historical painter and also member of the French Artistic Mission of 1816, the french Jean-Baptiste Debret. Tbis work intends to stress the relation between bis development as a bistorical painter in Paris and the composition of bis images according to the apprehension process of the young brazilian culture. During the fifteen years of bis life in Brazil, the french painter was one of the creators of a Brazilian Iconography, ilustrated in bis drawings wbich were later printed in the album "Voyage Pittoresque and Historique au Brésil", work that was essential to creation of na image of Brazil in the french and european culture


pintura brasileira neoclassicismo (arte) arte e historia - brasil

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