De Uruk à Villa Hadriana: contribuição ao estudo da urbanização na antigüidade / From Uruk to Villa Hadriana: contribution to the study of urbanization in antiquity relations between spaces of public, private, collective and limited use




This paper summarises extensive research of the processes of constitution of architecture and urbanization in the Ancient world. It presents the thesis that it is possible to outline a general and coherent frame of the urbanization process in the Ancient world based on the study of collective use buildings. By a frame the author refers to the methodological adoption of standards of long view and large extension in the selection of collective use buildings, ranging from the III millenium B.C. to the VII century A.C. and covering the Afro-Eurasian region. This original methodological approach enables the author to interpret the Ancient world from a standpoint closer to the peoples who then lived. The approach is also based on period literary anecdotal records and archaeological finds, which help avoid present day biases and to overcome the problem of parochialism, especially in the eurocentric studies on urbanization of classical civilizations. Such procedure allowed for the identification of some critical contrasts between city buildings and compounds of the Ancient world and between architectural and urban notions present then and now. The approach also rendered possible the discussion of some of the issues concerned in the public and private uses of buildings.


architecture arquitetura grécia greece história da urbanização history of urbanization mesopotâmia mesopotamy roma rome sumer suméria

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