Dando visibilidade à atuação do enfermeiro pela internet: um estudo de sua influência sobre as representações sociais do adolescente / Giving visibility to the work of nurses through the internet: a study on its influence on adolescentssocial representations




High school students are influenced by the knowledge they possess and the image they perceive of a particular profession when choosing a career. This study aimed to evaluate whether the construction of social representations of high school students on Nursing and nurses would be influenced by being exposed to a mediation in the internet exploring nurses roles and career venues in Brazil today. Methods: This was a survey exploratory study with a qualitative approach employing Moscovicis Social Representation Theory as a conceptual framework, and having as subjects high school senior students. It was undertaken in three phases: 1- Social representation analysis of nurses and Nursing by 19 students; 2- Elaboration and construction of a website exploring nurses´ career venues in Brazil today; 3- Social representation analysis of 10 students after exploring the site, employing the Collective Subject Discourse Method for data analysis on phases I and III. Phase I Results: Two major categories were identified: Nurses attributes and Nursing attributes. The nurse is associated with a person of invaluable qualities who grants diuturnal vigilance to the patient and who performs technical procedures. The trademarks of a nurse are sacrifice, humility, "small ego", and a willingness to work without money as a motivation. The nursing profession is perceived as beautiful because it helps people and save lives and at the same time, it is hard, heavy work. The nurse is identified as the doctors aid, subordinate and obedient to the physician. Nursing is associated with a feminine gendered profession, delicate and a complement to other health care areas, with no options for financial reward. Nursing work places are primarily and centrally the hospital and clinics. During Phase II, the work venues, scope of actions, educational and professional backgrounds and difficulties of 89 nurses were mapped, identified and registered through depositions and photos, divided into the working fields called Public Health, Expansion Areas, Hospital, Education, Top Management, Entrepreneurism and Clinics and Ambulatories, and displayed on a website called DESCUBRAENFERMAGEM! http:/www.ee.usp.br/pos/descubraenfermagem/ and www.expertu.com.br/ligia. Results Phase III: two representational categories are were elicited: "Before" and "Now". "Before" they saw nurses as doctors aids, without relevance, subordinates; they did not know nurses portrayed deep knowledge on issues. They considered the hospital was the nurses´ only area of work, where they aided doctors and patients, performing "dirtier" and harder activities. "Now" they associate nurses with the image of a physician, "performing doctors roles", prescribing and coordinating. Adolescents acknowledge that Nursing can be an autonomous profession. They identify that the nurse can be a specialist in different fields and specialties, and even be the "doctors boss". They associate actions such as decision-making, coordination, clinical assessment, diagnosis and nursing interventions as attributes of independence and knowledge crystallized in the social imaginary as pertaining to the doctor. They identify nurses actions in education and research in various levels. They demonstrate surprise in acknowledging nurses do consultations and work without a physicians intermediation. Conclusions: The introduction of a new image of nurses based on real descriptions of their work affected adolescentssocial representations particularly those related to cognitive aspects


campos de atuação internet nursing website communication social representation working areas comunicação internet site enfermagem representação social enfermeiro adolescents adolescente alunos ensino médio high school students nurses

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