Danças circulares sagradas : imagem corporal, qualidade de vida e religiosidade segundo uma abordagem junguiana




In this doctoral dissertation we investigated the effect of Circular Sacred Dances over the experience of religiosity and over the quality of life. Changing in body image of the persons involved, as well as the constellation (appearance) of archetypical images have also been investigated. We had previously believed that a re-signification of body image, quality of life and religiosity could contribute to a better psychical adjustment as well as to the improvement on one s general state. The data collection involved ten volunteers, ages ranging from 25 to 54, who had a higher degree in education and specialization in Art-therapy from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), at Campinas ? SP. The research involved both theoretical and practical aspects: the gathering of a group of people willing to take part in the practices ? circular sacred dance classes within a certain period of time, who would also have to take note and report their experiences. By observing the practices they had to present interpretable significations which had to be compatible with a qualitative research proposal within a phenomenological approach. By the end of this study, modifications in body image, alteration in religiosity, improvement in quality of life and the constellations of the Child Archetype, of the Grand Mother Archetype and of the Feminine Archetype have all been ascertained


espiritualidade junguiana medicina e religião saude mental imagem corporal psicologia e religião religião teoria dança moderna religiosa qualidade de vida

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