Da ruina ao edificio : neogotico, reinterpretação e preservação do passado na Inglaterra vitoriana




This doctoral thesis, focusing on the Gothic revival and medievalism in history, architecture and fine arts in nineteenth-century Britain, deals with the strategies for interpreting the historical past in the industrial town. Taking Manchester as the paradigm of the industrial city, the study begins with the historical debate about the local past, in the wake ofthe building of the NewTown Hall and the excavations of the ruíns of the Roman fort located in the city centre. It then approaches the Gothic revival movement, considering contemporary and current historiography and looking into the notions of revival, survival and historicism. It turns to the works of A. W. N. Pugin, J. Ruskin and W. Morris, where similarities are noted between the revival and the Arts and Crafts movement, particularly with respect to the issues of ornament and craftsmanship. Finally, regarding medievalism and the Gothic revival, it suggests a twofold interpretation: first, the creation of company towns and garden-cities can be seen as a return to the idea of the medieval community, where the past is projected into the future; second1y, with respect to the work of the first societies for the preservation of ancient buildings, it considers the historical meanings in their denial of restoration and their view of ruins as embodying the past within the present


habitação para trabalhadores da industria planejamento urbano - historia arquitetura vitoriana - inglaterra edificios historicos - conservação e restauração patrimonio cultural - preservação cidades e vilas - manchester (inglaterra) arquitetura - historia

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