DA RESISTÊNCIA ÀS INVENÇÕES CRIATIVAS: Um olhar certeauniano ao movimento da prática avaliativa de professores / From the resistance to creative inventions: a certeaunian look to the movement of the evaluative practice of teachers




This research present itself in a qualitatively perspective, with an ethnographic character. It analyzes the evaluative practice movement of the teachers who participated in the course about Avaliação numa perspectiva construtivista (Evaluation in a constructivist perspective). Initially, it discusses the hypothesis of non-changing related to the evaluative practice. In a reflexive way, that analyze pass to be inspired in the studies of Michel de Certeau, for not to surrender to the supremacy of the cultural products imposed by a dominating social order; in not to restrict itself to the perspectives of the theories about learning evaluation. The aim of this present research directed itself to the action of the consumers of this products the teachers when appropriating themselves of such theories, they do on their own way, re-measuring, and re-signifying them, with astuteness, creativity, inventiveness. When we understand that such professionals, in situations less privileged in the social structures of the constitutive power, have an intelligence that generates a multiplicity of interpretations, we open our eyes to the surprises, possibilitating various ways to the appreciation that trace the evaluative practice of the teachers. However, if we elect a single patter of reference to the daily actions analyze, we could close ourselves into only two conclusions: obedience or resistance. We opted, however, for approaching ourselves of Certeau, and to believe, as he does, in intelligence, and creativity also present in the actions of the more weak in the social organizations, who are the consumers of the cultural products. We created, so, new opportunities so that the crowd acquire life, turning clear the diversity of the evaluative practices of a group of teachers, focusing the concrete actions from real teachers analyze.


formação de professores educacao não-mudanças avaliação da aprendizagem práticas docentes education, teachers formation, evaluation of the learning, non-changing, teachers practice, michel de certeau. educação michel de certeau.

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