Da raiz ao fruto da contemporaneidade : Carpinejar e a sede de ser e ter uma prole




The poetry of Fabrício Carpinejar permeates the fragmentation of self and the de-referentialization experienced by the subject behind the lyrical self, which makes him one of the poets that best represents postmodernity. Considering that perspective, we analyze in detail the issue posed by the prefix de- in two of his works, Um terno de pássaros ao sul e Meu filho, minha filha, regarding the visible contemporary changes in the father-child relationship emphasizing the phenomenom of de-patriarchalization. In Brazil, such phenomenon was intensified in 1977, when the term divorce, as well as its legal effects, became official, and breaking the prevailing patriarchal structure in our society was legitimated. For Carpinejar, taking that social phenomenon into account is crucial because he watched his parents divorce at a young age and currently lives away from his daughter, in a revisited model of the long distance father-child relationship. Our thesis is supported by similar lines of research from four authors who address such issues from a contemporaneous perspective. Octavio Pazs theory on the poetic act lent itself to understanding Carpinerjars establishment as a producer of poetry. Homi Bhabhas conceptual studies on the place of the subject in culture point out the perception of split-space in globalized relationships, present in Carpinejars poetic. Frederic Jameson critique to postmodernism shed some light on our research intentions by providing theoretical guidelines that are fundamental to understanding and reproblematizing the conceptualization of the term postmodern. Umberto Ecos explanations on the three analytical intentions of a given literary work served as a basis for our conclusions on the analysis of Carpinejars poems on what concerns the authors perspective which is in itself a semiologic system to be considered influenced the interpretation presented in this study.


poesia fabrício carpinejar pós-modernidade poetry postmodernity literatura brasileira de-patriarchalization despatriarcalização fabrício carpinejar

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