Da casa à escola, da escola à maré: representações femininas acerca da família e da educação formal na comunidade pesqueira de Acupe (Santo Amaro-Bahia).




This study is in line search "Family and Society" and aims to understand the role that factors such as family, school and work occupy in the construction of the identity of the woman seafood. It assumption as the idea that the world of work, school and family are instances determinants of training and transformation of identity. Elegeu is, above all, an understanding of representations of formal education in this community, and so far, been made to stamp ethnographic research, between 1996 and 2007, with shellfish women aged between 15 and 60 years freqüentadoras of a public school in the district of Acupe in Santo Amaro, Bahia. The need for analysis on the conceptions of mothers shellfish on the role of formal education is justified to the extent that the school is now seen as the main route of access to improving the quality of life of their children. The survey showed that tide, the main livelihood of families in the region, is far from a work rewarding, not only on account of the precarious conditions of the development of the activity, but because they are atreladas conceptions negative which stick to women who depend on them . Being in school, unlike the tide means for shellfish part of a social area capable of building rules of coexistence opposing the monotonous world of catação of seafood. Accordingly, the work was divided into four parts: the first deals with the denial on the part of women, mariscagem as rewarding activity, the second refers to the representation that make the school or the formal education; the third is concerned about cultural values and family from the existing feelings of belonging in the community, the fourth part is related to social representations of the work of mariscagem in that community


women mulheres família politicas publicas trabalho school family work escola

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