Curso de extensão universitaria PROEPRE : contribuição para formação de professores da creche / University extension course PROEPRE : contribution to training of teachers in kindergarten




The stage of development of the baby and the small child (0-3 years) has been considered a great importance to the the intelligence building, of the emotional ties, for the moral building, construction for the first habits and the motor building. Considering that the envionment where the baby and small child live, it influences the inicial constructions the day nursery centers must be an appropriate and safe place in order to occur this development. Throughout this work it, will be discussed the pedagogical practices from different countries, such as Spain, Italy, Portugal and Brazil that aims to contribute with quality work for this age group. In that sense, this work studied the influence that the course of University Extension - PROEPRE: Fundamentals theoretical and practical teaching for early childhood education (EDU-044) from Campinas, Grimsby, in the year 2007, is on the training of teachers in day nursey centers. For this research we use the data collection and analysis of two instruments: a question form to collect demographic data and situational test, applied as pre-and post-test. The results in this study, it showed that there were significant changes in the theoretical concepts of the teacher has attended the PROEPRE, which leads to reflect the necessity and importance of specific courses for the training of the teachers of day nursey centers


infantil education creches formação de professores desenvolvimento infantil extensão universitaria educação infantil teachers trainning university extension day nursery centers child development

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