Curricular practices for the professional training of graduate medical students in Primary Health Care: a case study / PRÁTICAS CURRICULARES EM MEDICINA NA ATENÇÃO BÁSICA UM ESTUDO DE CASO




This study is based on the premise that one of the major challenges facing the SUS (Brazilian national health system) is the training of health professionals with an adequate profile for practice in the health System, and in particular, Primary Health Care. A case study was carried out at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) to determine whether the discipline in Family and Community Medicine of the Medicine Program, is preparing students with the necessary skills to work in the area of Primary Health. The investigation was based on a curricular analysis of the discipline in Family and Community Medicine, using two sources of information: 1. the course syllabus; and 2. the Family and Community Medicine syllabus, over the duration of the course. Content analysis was carried out of the international and natural literature which addresses the necessary characteristics of the professional profile of medical practitioners in the area of Primary Health, establishing categories and subcategories of these characteristics. The results reveal a lack of course content related to the area of Public Health, and in the discipline in Family and Community Medicine, where subjects are focused mainly on clinical aspects, resulting in a course proposal that is different, in terms of professional training, from that found in the analysis of the literature. Some preliminary modifications are suggested, that will promote discussion of curricular practices in the Medicine Program of UNIVALI.


primary health care educação médica família - saúde e família atenção primária à saúde saude coletiva medical education currículo curriculum

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