Cultura digital e sua influência na sociabilização dos jovens, segundo a percepção docente




The aim of this paper is to approach the influence of the Wide World Web - Internet in the sociabilization of youth within a digital culture context according to the teachers perception. For that purpose, an investigation on several leading scholars on the subject was performed, encompassing the many fields of Human Sciences Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Psychology with a highlight for Francisco Rüdiger, Pierre Lévy, Manuel Castells, Erick Felinto, Mário Marques and Vani Kenski. The current work was further improved on through interviews conducted with private school teachers, secondary school teachers of young students, Internet users. After the application of the technique, it was made possible to articulate theoretical learning built upon knowledge gleaned from teachers experiences, something that allowed the researcher a better understanding and critical assessment of the students sociabilization process, in the web connected society, and its implication on the students lives. Such appraisal was undertaken taking in consideration those values proclaimed in the current social historic context, turned towards both democratic ideals as well as those more remarkable, conservative and reproducers of the capitalist system in force, such as individualism, consumption, hedonism, exaltation of the present day and immediatism. It is important to underline the stark trend which gains strength in the informational global society, comprised of Internets centrality, in a general manner, made clear enough in the subjects behavior, under the authors view, and so emblematic in the net generation life, or in other words, those young people born in the 90s, from what we can assume from the theoreticians and of the speeches of those who follow the day-to-day and dedicate themselves to human formation. Changes such as these are affecting the manner and condition of teaching-learning, personal living experiences and inter-subjective relationship, both inside and outside the school environment. Approaches and meetings, that is, solidarity ties, partnership, friendship, inclusion, as in opposition to disagreement, indifference, quarrels and social exclusion, provided in a higher dimension and intensity, profile the life of high-mid-class youths, under the teachers lenses. This transformation in the sociability of young people, under the influence of the deep dive in the cyberspace, is not restrained to their inter-personal relationships though, but it reshapes the quantity and the quality of relationships held also with parents, teachers, as well as with persons whom they contact inside or outside cyberspace, in or out of school. It is still not known for sure the ethical implications of these and other existential conditions, but the present paper points out to the need for attention, reflection and to enforce educational measures around them, so that this revolutionary social movement, mobilized by young people, especially societys elite on-line, shall not corroborate to an aggravation of personal and collective unrest leading to social exclusion worsening.


professores de ensino médio fortaleza(ce) atitudes key words psicologia educacional sociabilização jovens efeito das inovações tecnológicas fortaleza(ce) youths educação cultura digital Ética internet education digital culture internet escolas particulares fortaleza(ce) ethics professores e alunos efeito das inovações tecnológicas fortaleza(ce) estudantes do ensino médio fortaleza(ce) atitudes sociabilization usuários da internet fortaleza(ce) atitudes jovens

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