Crossroads and pathways / Encruzilhadas e travessias:o encontro do humano e do divino na casa de cadomblé Ilê Axé Kalamu Funfum, sob o olhar da psicologia transpessoal e da poética de Gaston Bachelard




This work is based both on specialized literature and field research at Ilê Axé Kalamu Funfum. Its main focus is Candomble, an African-Brazilian initiatic religion based on rituals structured around myths and transmitted orally. In order to study Candomble it is important to define what myths are as well as their meaning in the present time; to define the differences between oral culture and culture transmitted in writing; to define what mythical time is and to shed light on rites that underpin such a religion. Without such definitions, it is not possible to define the followers. The definition of such a person is made possible only by resorting to theoretical tools defined by both anthropology and psychology. It also requires the adoption of a psychological theory that sees spirituality as an integral part of the human psyche. After comparing various approaches and after a discussion about interdisciplinarity as proposed by the bootstrap approach to culture, it is possible to conclude that Stanislav Grof and Ken Wilbers Transpersonal Psychology caters for such needs. Using such a theoretical tool it was possible to analyze trance, the cornerstone of Candomble. In order to reach such a state, its followers go through initiation rites aiming at reconnecting them to primal energies (Orishas). Being the generative energies of all things, Orishas are the transcendent archetypes, in a more platonic sense of the word. They are the building energy of all things and are also the prototypes that exist in the unconscious, and therefore transmit characteristics that are understood by the followers as psychological types. During the rites of initiation, the followers identity is reconstructed. It remains unique although the connection with the Orishas who form the followers essence causes the follower to acquire the characteristics of these Orishas. The path of initiation unveils a spiritual, cosmic and primordial essence, always present but ignored, thanks to the rupture between Orum (the world of the Orishas) and Aiyé (the created world). The trance is the moment of reconnection and unity: The Orishas manifest themselves trough their followers and dance and spread their axé. From this point of view, the human being can be defined as a centre of relations, as an individual that is part of a religious group and the Cosmos, as a link in an infinite chain of interrelated events.


psicologia transpessoal gaston bachelard candomblé afro-brazilian religion transpersonal psychology religiões afro-brasileiras bachelard, gaston, 1884-1962 - crítica e interpretação psicologia

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