Critical factors for successful implemantation of e-learning in corporations / Fatores críticos para a implementação do e-learning nas empresas




Corporate university, knowledge management and distance education are concepts that are gaining more and more importance and are ever more present in the strategies of big companies. Over the last years, there were multiple advances in telecommunications and information technology. Following this modernization, e-learning courses are getting better produced, allowing more interactions among the participants and having higher completion rates. However, despite all this evolution, many companies are still not successful in implementing e-learning in their training programs. The objective of this research study is to analyze the critical factors for the successful implementation of e-learning in corporations, determining the best actions that will guarantee the expected results. This is an exploratory qualitative research using a case study technique. Data was collected in the first half of 2007 via participant observation, filed written records, documents and interviews. The object of the study is an e-learning solutions supplier. Initially, the introduction of e-learning to the context of its internal training program is analyzed. Next, the actions taken to guarantee effectiveness in implementing e-learning solutions are studied, taking advantage of the experience of the supplier?s BTB team in the commercialization and implementation of these solutions, and the vision of professionals from client companies. This research paper presents seven processes, which if carried out attentively with the necessary resources, will enable the implementation of e-learning to bring effective results. These processes are: discovery of training needs, supplier selection, launching preparation, management involvement, communication activities, monitoring of students, training program evaluation and adaptation. If the managers understand what to look for in each one of these phases, they will be ready to enable the e-learning implementation process to bring the expected benefits to their company.


distance education treinamento de pessoal educational tecnology universidade corporativa tecnologia educacional knowledgment management corporate university educação à distância gestão do conhecimento trainning

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