Criança que faz criança : (des)construindo infância e sexualidade com meninos e meninas de rua




The current dissertation aims to discuss childhood and sexuality. Values like freedom, keenness and bravery arouse during my fieldwork with a group of street kids in Brasília. Our considerations (mine and the street kids) focused representations about childhood and sexuality as those who could operate such values. Reflections over representations, on the Social Sciences scenario, about street kids and the possibilities of constructing an Anthropology of Childhood (s) took part, as well as considerations on various different age categories and concepts. In this sense, I try to understand how, for the group I studied with, the perennial sexual disposition is a fundamental factor in the construction of both male and female identities in a way that the knowing- about- sex status constitutes proof and condition of being no more a child, but a muleque. On the realm of sexuality as a means of acquiring a state of deeper knowledge and circulation through the adult world, other questions are presented, aroused by the exercise of a positively valued active sexuality. Becoming a mother or a father and having access to various contraceptive methods are the most important ways of contact (and dialogue) between the group of street kids I studied with and Public Health Politics.


meninos e meninas de rua infância antropologia sexualidade

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