Correlation study of spot welded specimensbehavior using element method. / Estudo de correlação do comportamento de pontos de solda em corpos de prova pelo método dos elementos finitos.




Resistance spot welding is the most common jointing process of parts used in automotive industry. Several methods to represent spot welds are available, and the purpose of this work is to compare two different methods of spot weld modeling through a correlation study, taking into consideration the maximum force withstood by the welded joint, between virtual and lab test results. These spot weld representation methods are beam and solid elements. The tests used in this correlation study load the specimens under pure shear and pure normal forces. And in order to complete this correlation study, the understanding of the failure modes and criteria is also necessary. The specimens finite element models generated to be tested under purê shear and normal conditions are detailed by the presentation of materials, elements contact formulations and loading types used. These models were analyzed by the LS-DYNA, which is general purpose finite element code for analyzing the large deformation dynamic response of structures. As well, the physical tests and used specimens are detailed, and the results from the tests are compared to the results obtained in the simulations. Taking the obtained results, the best correlation was found using solid elements to represent the spot weld, due to differences between the physical and the virtual results about 4%. A simple representation of the spot weld is indicated in case of a complete model, and for the industry application, some factors such as the HAZ, may be suppressed. A brief description of the spot welding process, some topics of the non-liner finite element analysis and some features of the LS-DYNA, and also the conclusions and recommendations for future works, complete this study.


método dos elementos finitos soldagem a ponto por resistência resistance spot welding ponto de solda correlation study finite element method spot weld estudo de correlação

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