Corporeidade, educação infantil e formação docente.




This masters thesis aims to contribute to the elucidation of how the quality of the teaching practice in Childrens Education relies on the control of the psychic and body experiences by the educator, once he/she is responsible for the organization of the proper pedagogical ways for the childs learning and development. Understanding, experiencing and dominating corporeity by the educator contributes for the organization of the developing psychic and body structures in the child. The re-significance of the corporeal experience by the childrens educator enables them to a structuring practice of themselves and, consequently, of the child regarding the development of their psycho-corporeal structures. The theories on corporeity and psyche which base this study come from psycho-somatic, psycho-motion/, relational psycho-motion, bioenergetics, and ludicrousness, applied to childrens education. This masters thesis proposes that the teachers education, and mainly the education of those who work with young children, should include experiences that enable them to better know their corporeity and use it in their pedagogic relation with the children, their pupils.


psycho professores ludicrousness bioenergetics childrens education corporeidade educacao psicomotricidade ludicidade corporeity formação bioenergética educação infantil motion analysis

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