Educação online : cibercultura e pesquisa-formação na prática docente.




This thesis develops both theory and practice of the education as a cyberculture occurance and not merely as a evolution of conventional distance educacion practices. The cyberculture is the social-technical-cultural movement that creates its practices from the convergence of computer science with the telecommunications that arises out a plurality of synchrone and no synchrone communicational interfaces and multiple new media and languages that had potentialyzed new kinds of sociability and then new educational, graduating and learning processes founded on the interactivity and hypertextuality concepts. It developed an online education practice that tried to articulate the cyberculture potentialities with episthemology and search-graduation methodology, constructing a teaching practice from an AVA ? Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (Virtual Learning Environment) concepted as a graduation device. This device embodies both communicational and pedagogical aspects of its synchrone and no synchrone interfaces (blogs, discussion fora, chat, portfolio, cognitive cartography sofwares etc.) as well as the rise of a subjectgroup that learns while searches and searches while learns. Then the AVA has been shapep as a multirreferential space of learning by the discoursive plurality of the personal, professional and academic narratives and practices of all the partakers. The learning was mediated by intentional promotion, communicational plus of teaching-learning circumstances where the subjetcs of the search had interacted with a pedagogical project that added contents hypertextuality with colaborative learning, from the use of AVA interfaces not merely concepted as communicational interfaces but especially as textual genres and graduation dispositives. The theoretical references that have dialogued with the plurality of 11 subjet-group narratives were the complexity (Morin), multirreferentiality (Ardoino) contemporary sociology (Maffesoli), interactivity (Silva), cyberculture (Lévy, Lemos), post-structuralistic language (Barthes, Marcuschi), cognitive cartography (Moreira, Okada), teaching graduation (Nóvoa, Freire, Josso, Macedo), search-action (Barbier) and etno-search-graduation (Macedo) theories. The work has made clear the graduation potential of online education as a fecund field to news and significatives possibilities of promotion of the learning and the graduation of teachers and searchers. The search verified that there was learning and promotion of the graduation practices by the record and the charting of divers graduation narratives that have rised and were shared in the distinct AVA interfaces. Its interfaces have shaped as fecund dispositives of search and graduation. Then a teaching practice was engenred embodied and involved with the searchgraduation and in the nowadays social-technical-cultural scenery.


ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem pesquisa-formação prática docente cibercultura educacao online education cyberculture virtual learning environments teaching practice educação online searchgraduation

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