Corporeidade e persistência no processo de adesão ao tratamento de portadores HIV+/aids: uma pesquisa de intervenção terapêutica




In this paper two directions were taken into accout: Investigation and Intervation. As investigation, this research aimed to raise, from the patients corpority diagnosed with HIV+/AIDS, the construction of meanings in the family environment which makes the adhesion to treatment difficult. The research was also based on the understanding of the iherent movements of the human being living: The Overcoming movement which permits the individual to add new meaning to his experiences, and consequently he constructs new ways/possibilities for having a relationship with both himself and the world. On the other hand, individual might be hold in a stagnant movement because of denoted experiences that accured mainly in the family environment and/or regarding caretakers. We assume that eht difficulty that patients diagnosed with HIV+/AIDS have to adhere to a treatment may part of the process of the individuals construction of meaning, since it is in the process of the individuals constitution but not in the behavior expressed where we could comprehend the configuration of the subjectivity.The concept of Persistance which the research was based on, was originated from Vigotskys fossilisised behavior concept and it was elaborated by the researcher in order to find corpority expressions wich have not been transformed along the individuals life.We assume that such Persistence of meanings incorporated in the past make the adherence to treatment difficult. As intervention an opportunity for the participants and the researcher have a conversation was proposed not only to make the individuals expressions of meanings easier but also to create an opportunity for the topics spontaneously brought up by them as a result from the activities proposed in the research. The investigation as well as the intervention were based on the theorical assumptions of Socio-Historical Psichology and (they) were oriented by the necessity of studying the processes of the patients to non adhesion to treatment behavior which is understood as a public health.This survey was conducted issue among 8 people (men and women) between twenty and sixty-one years old who were diagnosed with HIV+/AIDS and did not show any psichotic disorders, users of the STD/AIDS emergency room in São Paulo Capital City. The volunteers recruitment happend in the waiting room and the survey was conducted while the patient was waiting for the room and the survey was conducted while the patient was waiting for the doctors appointment. As the starting point a quiz was applied, and three activities with stimulus-sentences were proposed. By analysing the results it was possible to verify that Persintance,once part of the individuals corpority,contributes to the non-adhesion to treatment. In the intervention prosposal was possible to constitute a notional space which allowed the individuals to give a new meaning for the contradictory experiences and for the awareness of constituded meanings along the socialization path. We concluded that the method adopted was useful for understanding the existence of the Persistance as a component of the psichological process which might make the adhesion to treatment difficult for the patients diagnosed with HIV+/ AIDS


psicologia process persistance corpority hiv aids intervation corporeidade psicologia socio-histórica persistência intervenção adesão hiv psichology socio-historical aids adhesion síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida - pacientes - psicologia

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