Cooperação internacional na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável por intermédio dos mecanismos comerciais e econômicos, como reflexo da conferência das Nações Unidas sobre meio ambiente e desenvolvimento




This is a work of bibliographical revision, that considered to analyze as if of a international cooperation in the promotion of the sustainable development by means of the commercial and economic mechanisms, as reflected of the Conference of United Nations on environment and the development. One searched to present the international cooperation as half of applicability of the promotion of the sustainable development by means of the commerce, as it foresaw the International Conference of United Nations on Environment. It was standed out ambient crisis as well as the taking of conscience for the population and international community. To clarify the subject, a boarding concerning the human rights became, emphasizing the environment as right of all. It treated, sucintamente on the economy of the environment, ademais on the process of development in the general scope and specifically in the vision of the Church Catholic. He was boarded, still, relative questions the Agenda the 21 and ways of implementation. It standed out, outrossim, the importance of the cooperation for the achievement of the sustainable development, focus of this research. The results of the international cooperation in the ambient area leave to desire. In Brazil, the frequent changes in command in recent years of the Brazilian ambient agencies, the effect of the fiscal restrictions and of the inflation on the execution of projects of the international cooperation, they harm the process. But these results also espelham the lack of experience and flexibility of international the financial organisms in the treatment of ambient projects.


cooperação internacional meio ambiente desenvolvimento sustentável direito environment agenda 21 sustainable development cooperation

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