Cooperação e Conflito em Modelos de Vesículas Pré-Bióticas / Cooperation and Conflict in Prebiotic Vesicle Models




The primordial genetic information crisis as defined by the Eigen’s quasispecies model, which can be used as a paradigm here, has been a challenge to any theory about the origin of life and prebiotic evolution for more than three decades. Despite several tentative solutions proposed along this period, there’s no consensual solution to the scientific community. Among that diversity of solutions, models that use a multilevel selection approach have been seen as an viable alternative to area’s paradigm, the hypercycles model. Those called prebiotic vesicle models, whose principal example is the stochastic corrector model, assume cooperation, in a more or less explicit fashion, as an essencial ingredient to solve the genetic crisis. Cooperation has been seen as capable of providing means to bypass the genetic crisis by dividing the essential information into several pieces, each one bellow the error threshold. Until recently, no complete treatment for such a model could be found in the specialized literature, specially in relation to replicators coexistence questions. So, the main purpose of this dissertation is the throughly exploration of some of those models with emphasis in coexistence aspects. Initially, we will explore a deterministic group selection model based in the celebrated Wright’s Island Model with some modifications. We relax some of the assumptions os the model to accommodate distinct time scales between the different levels of the model. Besides this model, we will study a less restrictive version of a compartment model. In both cases, we give special emphasis in the search of coexistence conditions that guarantee the survival of the different templates.


structure and organization of complex systems evolução molecular genética de populações física biológica molecular evolution estrutura e organização de sistemas complexos corretor estocástico biological physics population genetics stochastic corrector

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