Controle em modos deslizantes do servomotor C.A.




This work presents a study about non-continuous sliding modes control applied to Permanent Magnetic AC motor (PMAC), also called AC Servomotor. The two main objectives of this work are: to analise the robustness of the technique related to load disturbance and variations in the windings resistance; and to study alternative ways to reduce chattering. The first part includes a study about the modeling of conventional synchronous motors and PMAC motors, both with salient poles. The aim is to study the models used in the movement control of the referred motors in the synchronous reference frame. The second part presents a study about first order sliding modes control, including a method of high frequency switching (chattering)minimization. Simulation results are presented that confirm the efficiency of the techniques applied. Finally, in the third part we study higher order sliding modes control, aiming at chattering minimization. The concepts developed are those for a 2nd order control. Again, simulation results are presented that confirm the efficiency of the techniques applied.


controladores programáveis automacao eletronica de processos eletricos e industriais automação industrial controle automático

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