Controle e otimização de um reator de hidrogenação trifasico




The present work aims to study the control and optimization of a multiphase catalyst slurry reactor, in order to deal with the Real Time Integration of Continuous Process. As the study case is considered a three-phase catalytic hydrogenation reactor, which is represented by a deterministic mathematical model. The dynamic behavior of the production process is studied in order to identify some suitable control structures. The controller implemented is based on Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) philosophy, which is a type of Predictive Control based on Model. In order to solve the optimization problem are reviewed and implemented two techniques: optimization by Successive Quadratic Programming (SQP) and the global Optimization by Genetic Algorithms. The obtained results by SQP optimization shows the efficiency of this technique to be used for the three-phase reactor. The Genetic Algorithms are optimization methods based on population solution that evoluted through successive generations and converge to a global optimal. The studies of Genetic Algorithms show the powerful and efficiency for the optimization of the three phase reactor, that may be a potential alternative when classical methods do not work well. It is also done a propose on the over a real time integration process and presented a way to determine and to implement a strategy in one layer for the multiphase catalytic reactor


reatores quimicos programação quadratica controle preditivo algoritmos geneticos

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