Controle ativo de vibrações em vigas e placas usando uma abordagem de intensidade estrutural / Active control oi vibmtion in beams and plates using a structuml intensity approach




The main goal of this work was to study the aplicability of a new methodology to control structural vibrations using a structural intensity approach. This methodology was then used to control flexural vibration in beams and plates. Techniques to estimate the structural intensity were revised. Accelerometers and piezelectric sensors were used in order to measure the vibration. The structures were identified using a Q-Markov Cover algorithm and the identified models were used in numerical simulations. Experiments were made using a DSP board. In the case of the beam, the ASIC was compared to the FXLMS, the MIMO FXLMS and the Gibbs-Fuller methods. The ASIC method performed slightly better throughout the investigated frequency range when compared to the Gibbs-Fuller method in the case of tonal excitation. For the case of multiple frequencies, the ASIC performed much better than the Gibbs-Fuller. In the case of the plate, only one actuator and eight sensors were used. With this configuration, the ASIC only controlled the vibrations locally. Some changes in the ASIC were proposed which made it a general intensity controller


vibration vibração noise control ondas elasticas automatic control controle de ruido controle automatico elastic waves

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