Contribution to the development of a financial competitiveness model of firms / Contribuição para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de competitividade financeira de empresas




This study reviews and sumarizes the concepts related to competitiveness. It identifies the models used to evaluate the competitiveness of firms and countries, as well as the sources of competitiveness related to each model. The competitiveness concept´s evolution is traced, adding the advances of knowledge from different dields and, more specifically, from Management. Over time, the integration of these pieces of knowledge contributes to the development of more complete and coherent interdisciplinary approaches for the evaluation of competitiveness. A wide range of structural, organization and managerial variables has been used for explaining and evaluating the competitiveness of firms. Among these variables, one can find the firms´ financial aspects. It is oserved that there is a need to develop models and theories that combine the different approaches, in such a way that a more complete and practical definition of firms´competitiveness is obtained. Thus, this study does not neglect the need to have an interdisciplinary approach for the evaluation of competitiveness. Contudo, it focuses on the study of financial aspects and their interrelationship with other aspects of firms ant countries´competitiveness. This study aims to understand and to evaluate the contribution of the financial theory for more complete approaches to the competitiveness subject. This study offers a contribution to the development of a finacial competitiveness model of firm. This initial contribution seeks to a financial competitiveness´definition and to the identification of a firm´s internal and external (country) factors that contribute to its competitiveness, from a financial approach.


finanças finance competitividade competitiveness value valor

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