Contribuição para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de sustentabilidade financeira de empresas / Contribution to development of a financial sustainability model of firms




Business bankruptcy is a problem faced all round the world. Especially in Brazil, bankruptcy of young firms causes several damages on yours stakeholders witch are all the interested - member of society, employees, society generally speaking and government. These organizations fail by shortage of financial sustainability. Financial sustainability is a theme thats on development and goes farther than environmental, socials, and economics aspects. The objective of this study was to develop a model that offers the firm sustainability, that is, your perpetuity. For that, were added other important points like Working Capital, Operational Risks and the "image" of the firm, Human Financial Management composed by Succession and behavior aspects, and Value Generation and Competitiveness. The model aims to show the importance of the business perpetuity and the complexity of the sustainability concept.


sustentabilidade financeira perpetuidade empresarial financial sustainability business perpetuity

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