Contribuições para melhoria do desempenho e viabilidade de fabricação de scanners indutivos / Contributions to improve the performance, and the manufacture viability of inductive scanners




Scanners are devices that deftects a light beam and converts a spot light in a well controlled amplitude and frequency scan line. Several applications uses the generated pattem to code or decode data, common examples ar,e barcode readers, and laser printers. A light beam can be deftected by different means. In this work, the scanner deftects the light by reftection in a moving mirror, in a resonant and harmonic movement, subjected to forces of electromagnetic nature. Such forces are generated by the interaction between an induced current in the armature, and a magnetic field, generated by permanent magnets. The main advantage of this kind of scanner is the absence of electrical connections between the mobile, and fixed parts of the device, that simplifies the fabrication process, and make its more reliable and less fault susceptible. Part of the similar devices available today are complex eIectro-mechanical devices, manufactured by serial processo Earlier works established that the planar geometry, and the use of batch fabrication process, derived from microelectronics, are feasible with this kind of device. A1though functional, the earlier prototypes presented a high power consumption, that shown the demand for an improved designo The Silicon-based fabrication process adopted makes the use of materiaIs and methods that are not readily accessible to the Brazilian industry. In this work improvements were proposed to the induction actuated planar resonant scanners technology. The goal was to make its performance compatible with the performance of similar devices, and to enable its fabrication using materiaIs and methods available to the Brazilian industry. A design m~thodology, and a set of model contributions were proposed and validated. The use of Phosphor-bronze, as structural material, and the photqfabrication process, as the machining method, were proposed as an option to the Silicon-based fabrication method. The contributions ofthis work had enabled the reduction ofthe power consumptlon from 2,2 W to about 5 m W per optical degree, and an increase in the working frequency from 1 kHz to 4kHz, with a optical deftection angle of about 20° peak-to-peak. Such parameters are fully compatible with similar devices, mechanically more complexes and manufactured by serial processes


finite elements modelling phosphor-bronze espelhos ligas (metalurgia) ligas de não-ferrosos instrumentos oticos dispositivos eletromecanicos electromechanical model metais - fadiga light deflectors metodo dos elementos finitos

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