Contribuições para a integração dos sistemas de gestão ambiental, de segurança e saúde no trabalho, e da qualidade, em pequenas e médias empresas de construção civil.




The aim of this work has been to establish the limitations of the civil construction industry in relation to the management system integration. The overall purpose of this qualitative in nature research is to set forth the guidelines for the integration of environmental management, safety and health at work and quality systems in small and average civil construction companies, based upon the following matter: How to integrate management systems in small and average civil construction companies? As a way to approach the purposes of the matter, a field research was initially carried out through questionnaires submitted to big companies engaged in a number of businesses that had already implemented the integrated management system. A proposal for the implementation of management systems in the integrated form in small and average civil construction companies was presented, which describes all the phases of the implementation method.The partial implementation of this proposal in a small company in the city of Salvador has shown easy and difficult aspects. Motivation of the employees is mentioned as one of the easy aspects. The seasonal nature of the activities and the financial difficulties resulting therefrom are the main difficulties. Due to this partial implementation, a second research was developed, through different forms, in small and average civil construction companies in the city of Salvador, with the purpose of evaluating the integration proposal, as well as the perception of companies in relation to the integrated management systems. Only a few modifications were suggested by the companies, which leads one to believe that the proposal satisfies the needs and the specificity of this segment of civil construction. It was concluded that the financial limitations and the absence of legislation requiring these companies to implement an integrated management system, as well as the lack of requirement by financing agencies, discourage the compliance of procedures aiming at the improvement of the quality of goods and services, as well as the preservation of the environment and of safety and health at work. They thus disable the marketing competitiveness and limit its expansion and global development.


qualidade engenharia sanitaria civil construction integrated management systems segurança e saúde no trabalho quality meio ambiente health and safety labor construção civil sistemas integrados de gestão environment

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