Contribuições para a formação do técnico de nível médio para a área de desenvolvimento, pesquisa e produção de fitoterápicos. / Contributions for technical training for middle level who works in research,development and production of phytotherapics.




This work aims to analyze the content necessary for professionals engaged in the research e R&D of phytopharmaceuticals with the objective of development of curriculum guidelines for the training of mid-level technicians in this area. This research started from three assumptions. The first concerns the complexity of the field of phytotherapy, which is well diversified and steps with its own peculiarities. The latter refers to new technologies, technological and organizational changes that this sector is suffering, especially in the last decade and finally, we must consider the type of mode of travel, format, content and hours required to form a technical average level in the area of biotechnology in plants. Our research was divided into three steps to better organization of data collected. For the exhibition, called "phase one", the analysis of the production of plants, "phase two" of the analysis Decree 5.813/2006 that focuses on the National Policy of Medicinal Plants and Fitoterápicos and "phase three" the step that refers to interviews with researchers, technologies and techniques that work in at least one step of the production of medicinal plants and fitomedicamentos. For the implementation of this research, we chose the Institute of Technology in Drugs - FarManguinhos, as a major center of production and research in this area. The Institute has a plantation area of plants on the campus Atlantic Forest (Jacarepagua - Juliano Moreira Colony) and an area of technological development and production in the new plant medicines, also in the neighborhood of Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro. The results of this study allowed an analysis of content needed for mid-level professionals working in the field of production of plants, and also based discussions to develop a course focused on health professionals to train mid-level specialists in this area.


ensino profissionalizante medicamentos fitoterápicos educação profissionalizante ensino ensino fundamental e médio currículo phytotherapeutic drugs professional education teaching primary and secondary education curriculum

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