Contribuições da certificação digital ao desenvolvimento do governo eletrônico e aperfeiçoamento de políticas públicas e serviços públicos no Brasil




The recent technological revolution, allied to the globalization process, imposes to the Public Administration the task of adjusting to a world in constant change, in which it demands of the governing more state efficiency allied to increasing offer of public services, with bigger quality, social control and guarantee of the individual rights. The new Information and Communication Technologies, among which the Internet, the computer networks, the satellite transmission and the mobile telephony, had created conditions for the sprouting of what it was stipulated to call, for some authors, of the Knowledge Society. In such conjuncture, the electronic government emerges as potencial of unknown interactions between citizens and public and private organizations. On the other hand, the expansion of the digital universe brings to debate questions related to the weak points of the electronic information, whose digital certification presents some answers. This work looks for to analyze, by means of a qualitative research, the current benefits and the future expectations about the role of the digital certification, specifically related to the support in the development of the electronic government and to the possible impacts in the progress of the policies and in the improvement of the public services in Brazil.


serviços públicos internet na administração pública; processamento eletronico de dados - medidas de segurança; tecnologia da informação electronic government ciencias exatas e da terra políticas públicas certificação digital knowledge society public services sociedade do conhecimento governo eletrônico policies digital certification

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