Contribuição ao estudo da fissuração, da retração e do mecanismo de descolamento do revestimento à base de argamassa




This work approaches the movement of the mortar rendersand its influence in the crack and the detachment of the mortar render applied on a substrate of concrete. To base this discussion, experimental evaluations with objective had been carried through to analyze aspects related to the interaction of different types of mortar with substrate of concrete without base preparation, with industrialized and conventional, under the interference of the way the one that had been displayed (conditions of exposition), creating a behavioral model for these relations. Mortar mixing and industrialized used in this work had been evaluated to get the characterization of its behaviors in the fresh and hardened state. Already as rendering, these mortars had passed for essays for attainment of the profiles of loss of water for evaporation and absorption for the substratum, beyond determination for attainment of the internal and superficial water movements. As result of this work, which was evidenced variations of the type and the composition of the mortar had exerted little influence in the behavior of the render how much the movement, and that the variation in the thicknesses on mortar rendering caused to greater superficial movement. One also evidenced that the type of substrate, as well as the exposition condition, had basic papers in the sprouting of the detachment and fissures. In this direction, it was observed that the mortar renderings applied on concrete substrate without preparation of base submitted the severe condition of exposition had presented, in all essays carried through in this work, detachment and fissures, and that the mixing mortar with raised water text only presented cracks and detachment. And still, proved that the absence of the slurry mortar and the condition of critical exposition had caused to minors values of tensile bond strength. Through these results it was suggested a behavioral model showing how the retraction of the render mortar can cause the detachment and/or the cracking.


fissuração e deslocamento argamassa sistema de revestimento retração construcao civil

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