Consumo de suplementos dietéticos por atletas juniores de futebol / Consume of the dietetics supplements by junior male athletes of soccer




Introdution:The best physical performance has been required earlier, doing as that Young athletes will be submitted the manipulation dietetic joining of the use of the dietetics supplements. Main goal: describe the consume of the dietetic used by juniors male athletes of soccer, in Florianópolis, SC. Specific goals: verify the characteristics of the consumption of food supplements, identify the orientation sources for the consumption, the purpose of the use and the perception in relation to the results obtained starting from the supplementation. Method: descriptive and exploratory search with 40 athletes that has answered the questionnaire. It took place a descriptive analysis of simple frequency and percent. Result: the age of the athletes are between 17 and 20 years old, 33% of them are between 18 and 19 years old. The ones who consume the dietetic supplements 66,6% belive that they have been achieving their goals, 62,5% of them that havent been using the supplements, 17,5% associate to the cost of the products and the others said that the club wasnt giving them in that time. The supplements most used are the proteins with 24 users, followed the isotonic leverages with 9 user and the creatina with 6 users. The main reason for the consume, it was the lean tissue mass with 15 users (37,5%), in spite of 11 users (27,5%) are related to protein supplements, small portion (12 users) has appropriate orientation (doctor and/or nutritionist) and 93,33% didnt relate to adverse effects. Conclusion: the hypothesis of use indiscriminate of dietetic supplements is confirmed by the juniors male athletes. It was observed that the source pointed is different and many athletes dont know which the functions of the several supplements are. There isnt any kind of control in the supplements business, the professionals who work with athletes and physical act ivy should be more informed about everything that involves a dietetic manipulation and supplementation.


suplementos dietéticos desempenho físico nutrição esportiva performance educacao fisica sport nutrition adverse effects efeitos adversos dietetic supplements

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