Construindo uma politica publica de lazer : espaço ou programa - o que garante a animação? - uma retrospectiva historica sobre o municipio de Sorocaba




The development of the theme proposed in this study discussed the intetvention process of the pubJic sector in promoting leisure experiences for the people of Sorocaba city, SP. This study considered a wide spectrum of facts and docmnents with respective historic analysis, focusing on the investigation of the Leisure PoJicy for the Municipality of Sorocaba docmnent. The evolution of specia1ized sectors in cbarge of delivering this type of service was explored. It was also investigated the planning process and the space occupation in the city, focusing, mainly, in areas aIIocated for leisure experiences. Finally, the original program proposal was anaIyzed as one important factor in the animMion and use of leisure space within the city s life. This research also reflected upon the process of bui1ding and applying the city s leisure pubJic poJicy, which, in final anaIysis, exists to facilitate the access of population to leisure services as a social rigbt. Leisure depends upon a "place" and a moment tbrougb Jiving a meaningful experience as a result of a "prOgP mm~c activity". Therefore, it was searched which variable was more decisive in order to learn how leisure experience takes place: space or program? In this perspective, who or what guarantees the animation process? The methodological approach to this study was, predominantly, quaJitative, througb exploratory nature, based essentially on bibJiographic and docmnental research. Aiming at obtaining more subjective aspects, the interpretation of some data was based on the method caIled "discourse analysis" devised by Eni Orlandi. Among some raised conclusions, it was possible to verify that Sorocaba is a city that has a vanguard program that is supported by its historic and vocation tradition for leisure. On the other hand, it was observed a significant slowness and lack of tuning with the development and the implementation of pubJic spaces for leisure, configuring itself in a contradiction between progress and retrocession in the adoption of public policies, as much in the field of leisure as in the urban development FinaIly, it was explored some altematives trying to reply to the central research question: what guarantees the animation of a leisure policy? Conclusions appointed to an inversion of approach, which means that, in Sorocaba, perhaps the proper historical vocation of the city for leisure constitutes the sou! for its experience


espaço geografico politicas publicas lazer

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