ConservaÃÃo de sementes de espÃcieis dos gÃneros Nectandra, Ocotea e Persea (Lauraceae) / Conservation of species seeds of Nectandra, Ocotea and Persea generos (LAURACEAE).




This study aimed to investigate the seed storage behavior, the effect of the fruits coloration and storage (5C, 60%RH) on seed viability, and to adapt the X ray method to verify alterations in the internal morfology and their effects on the seed quality of the species of Lauraceae which grow in the south of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Seeds of Nectandra grandiflora, Nectandra lanceolata, Nectandra oppositifolia, Ocotea corymbosa and Ocotea pulchella show recalcitrant behaviour due to their desiccation sensitivity. Seeds from the green fruits of Nectandra nitidula and Nectandra lanceolata show shorter storability in relation to those from dark fruits. The germination rates of seeds from dark fruits increased until the 3rd month (Ocotea pulchella, Nectandra grandiflora), until 4,5 months (Persea pyrifolia) and until the 6th month (Nectandra lanceolata). Seeds from dark fruits do not show decrease of initial germination rates (radicle protrusion) until 6 months of storage (Nectandra nitidula), 8 months (Nectandra grandiflora), 11 months (Nectandra lanceolata) and 12 months (Ocotea pulchella and Persea pyrifolia). The intensity of 25kV for two minutes allows clear visualization of alteration of internal morphology of the seeds of Ocotea corymbosa, Ocotea pulchella and Persea pyrifolia. In seeds of Nectandra grandiflora, Nectandra lanceolata and Nectandra nitidula, the intensity of 30kV for two minutes allows better results. Internal damages, irrespective of their origin, affect seed viability, with exception of the smaller ones located far from the embryonic axis.


qualidade storage seed sementes florestais armazenamento semente quality

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