Conhece-te a ti mesmo / Conhece-te a ti mesmo




The artistic object of Know Thyself present themselves as oracles, assuming in the poetical and the relation estabilished with spectator connections of meaning pertaining to this term and this condition. In the dissertation part, first is presented an inquiry on creative process of these objects, the heuristic methods used, the received influences and the affinities with other artistic work. In a second moment, Formulate Thyself, is studied how the oracular metaphor and the procedures used in elaboration of these work may be take place in contemporaries questions about reception. In the third chapter is reflected on the similarities of the poetical proposal with the concept of art displayed by Nietzsche in Birth of Tragedy, the influences of this text on the genesis of poetical and the consequences of this choice for reception and process of creation.


recepção beleza recepção objeto monotipia objeto palavra palavra oráculo monotipia oráculo beleza

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