Conflitualidades em trânsito : discursos jurídicos e de gêneros no G8-Generalizando(SAJU-UFRGS)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present dissertation observes an enduring social conflict in today society: the clash between the legal understanding of gender and the average person concept of gender. From the ethnographic experience in the group of University Counsel G8-Generalizando (Assessoria Jurídica Universitária G8-Generalizando ¿ SAJU/UFRGS) the context in which there is a legal and gender discourse, in which their meanings change in time. The present dissertation also studies the history of the research field that observes the understanding of gender in the history of Brazilian legislation (such as the Statue of Married Women and the Maria da Penha Statute). The work also presents the courts understanding of laws that interprets gender issues and shows the daily clash of law and everyday meaning of gender. Finally, the dissertation shows the experience in the case-by-case research, seeking to demonstrate what happens to legal issues concerning gender that are represented by G8- Generalizando. That way the thesis demonstrates the different meanings of gender on different levels of society and the problem that it brings to the legal system.


sociology and the law sociologia do direito gender and the law assessoria jurídica universitária feminist theory teoria queer feminismo queer theory legal assistance

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