Condicionantes socio-tecnicos da extrapolação (Scale-UP) de processos quimicos : estudo de caso: Projeto de Desenvolvimento do Processo de Produção de Silica Via Anidrido Carbonico no Centro de Pesquisas da Rhodia, Paulinia-SP




The extrapolation procedure (scale-up) is a labor process which alIows the change from a laboratory or pilot- scale or development to a fulIy blown scale of production, It is also a mechanism of selection for the equipment and general industrial operating conditions, whose accomplishment depends on social, poli ti cal and technical rules. The need for an empirical approach of the extrapolation question is demonstrated by the standpoint of the theory of systems similarity and by the concept of usefulness of the general theory to specific problems, definable by empirical boundary conditions. We point out here the kinds of uncertainty involved in the extrapolation procedure, the lack of information about it, further aggravated by the poor quality of the data from patents. We show here the rinnovation labor process concerning industrial chemistry. We also suggest that the pilot-scale experimentation is a methodological paradigm of it. In addition to alI that, we point out the contingency and the subjectivity of the R&D process regarding the technological object under construction, where the dominating problems represent a point of view of the participating actors. The heterogeneity of the technological systems, the sinuosity of the decision making process and the incorporation of the subjectivity of labor under the realm of heuristic rules, incorporates the history of the R&D process as far as the prescription of the extrapolated object is concerned.


tecnologia quimica

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