Evolução da composição corporal avaliada por parametros antropometricos em escolares de Paulinia-SP




Growth and development evolution in human being have been studied since a long time. They suffer genetic and environmental influences. Developed countries have already stopped their growth secular trend, but obesity incidence is increasing. In developing countries, like Brazil, there is a positive growth secular trend with both undernutrition and overweight. The purpose of this study was to study the evolution of 2098 schoolchildren body composition, from Paulínia SP, with anthropometric measurements, from two different surveys. Trends in body mass index (BMI), upper arm circumference (UAC), triceps skin fold (TSF), upper arm fat area (UAFA) and upper arm muscle area (UAMA) were studied. The first study (1979/80) inc1uded540 children (310M and 230F) and the second (1993/94) 1558 (865M and 693F) ranging from 6,5 to 10,5 years. Median, standard deviation and 25, 50 and 75thcentiles were calculated in both studies, according to gender and age. Sexual dimorphism was evaluated. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. For females, UAC, TSF and UAFA showed bigger values in 1993/94 in all age classes. BMI data are getting higher, but aren t statistically different. UAMA data became lower after seven years old, but they were not statistically significant. In boys, all variables changed very much without an specific organization. Sexual dimorphism showed similar UAC, but TSF and UAFA that were higher in boys in the first study became smaller. UAMA data were similar in both sex in the first study and became higher in males in the other one. These trends showed the homeoresis phenomenon seen in populations under stress. They also showed a recovery in sexual dimorphism. Girls recover fat mass, but didn t become obese, and boys got musc1emass in a lower degree


obesidade nas crianças corpo - composição crianças - crescimento crianças - desenvolvimento antropometria

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