Comunidade Canafé : história indígena e etnogênese no médio rio Negro




This dissertation approaches a specific case of a broader contemporary process of ethnic affirmation and construction of collective identities in the middle Negro river. Through the approach of a regional historical frontiers constitution and dynamics this work try to shows the Canafé Community as a collective identity historically created by migrants indians in the context of the expansion and retraction of the expansion fronts in twentieth century. It tries to show the multiplicity of situations and agents involved in this case through an ethnography based in the apprehension of shared values and senses by collectivities of caboclos and indians who live in the rural zone of the Barcelos and Santa Isabel municipality. With this, it searches an anthropological approach that values the native vision towards the historical processes in which they are inserted, pointing out to the subjects of an occulted history.


etnologia Índios - história antropologia

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