COMUNICAÇÃO PÚBLICA E COMPLEXIDADE: uma perspectiva das Relações Públicas como sujeito comunicacional e estratégico no cenário da midiatização




This is a theoretical and empirical research that is related to the following themes: Public Communication (PC), Public Relations (PR) and Mediation based on Edgar Morins Complexity Paradigm. In the mediated conjuncture, the means of communication are central elements in social, political and economical relationships by being the appropriate moment to reflect upon the theories developed in Brazil concerning the theme. The present study aims at analyzing which challenges PR professionals who work in PC of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) Legislative Government face in the mediated context. The problematic is treated empirical and theoretically based on the concepts from Morin (2006), Matos (1998), Brandão (2007), Sodré (2002), Véron (1997) and Fausto Neto (2006). In this perspective, the general objective is to reflect about the limits of PR praxis in the Legislative Government from RS cities with more than twenty-five thousand electors in order to search for dimensions to PR as a strategic communicative process that proportionate the PC in a mediated space characterized by the complexity. The specific objectives are to retake the main theoretical fundamentals of Public Communication and Public Relations in Brazil; verify if the cities with more than twenty-five thousand electors own PR professionals and describe their occupations; analyze the PR opinions and present the main challenges in the PR area concerning the Public Communication in the mediated scenario. The methodology is constructed throughout the theoretical presentation; qualitative questionnaire that is about the existence and the attributions of PR professionals in these institutions and directed to the Legislative Government Presidents from RS; and qualitative questionnaire directed to the PR professionals who work in these Legislative Government concerning their occupations in PC in the mediated space. There was a critical and theoretical analysis and the empirical data exemplified the theoretical research. The investigation indicates that the challenges concerning the complexity of mediation process are presented to the professionals, to the academic field and to the own institutions, demonstrating that the Public Communication is emergent and the challenges are interconnected, justifying the necessity to construct together by facing the complexity of the actual mediated space.


comunicação pública public relations complexidade public communication complexity relações públicas midiatização mediation comunicacao

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